Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Making this (enormous, sorry) post was a pretty emotional ordeal. It was a good year, definitely, but I feel like a lot has changed and I have to admit that scares me, a lot. Still, it was a year filled with amazing new things I am absolutely over the moon about and I have really high hopes for this brand new year waiting. And yes! I will be updating this blog more and I will be making lots of new illustrations and products and photographs. No but really, I know I have been saying that for a while now but my main goal for this coming year is to make things feel (at least sort of) normal again. And working on new things is definitely a big part of that.
Furthermore, I think most of these pictures speak for themselves but if you want to know more about the things I've done this year, every single one of them are clickable!

Anyway, I hope you all have the bestest of new years and that 2014 may bring you all good things ♥
And thank you all so much for your support and for sticking with me even though I've been hiding lately :) I won't be for long! I promise!


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