LATE AGAIN! But it's time for another montly recap post!
In October I - Added new stickers and brooches and necklaces to my shop. Watched lots of crappy movies on Netflix. Felt so very blessed to have such wonderfully amazing people surrounding me. Finished illustrations I had been working on for forever. Did some commissions. Spent lots of time with my bf and bff (slumberpartiesss!). Made a cat quiche. Found a lot of cool mushrooms. Saw the awesome Feathers exhibition in Gallery 33. Celebrated Halloween in the most perfectly boring way. Basically had a lot of fun :)
Movies - So like I said, I watched lots of crappy movies on Netflix this month; Clueless, Never Been Kissed, Teeth, Revenge of the Bridesmaids, The Last Exorcism, The Midnight Meat Train... I wouldn't recommend any of these haha.
Books - Loooooved Cowa! by Akira Toriyama, enjoyed Ice Haven by Daniel Clowes and still haven't finished 11/22/63 by Stephen King (but it's great so far).
Music - I have been listening to WOLF by Tyler, The Creator non stop this month (but have to say I'm kinda sick of it already haha).
TV Shows - Speaking of Netflix; ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK! God that show is perfect! Also (re)watched a lot of Misfits, but boyyy are those last few seasons awful.
♥ Anne
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