In November I - finished long overdue illustration projects, worked hard on a lot of commissions, turned 26 and had a perfect birthday, helped move my bf to his beautiful appartment in Haarlem (and pretty much never left?), made friends with Gerrit the Cat, was missed by Brian the Cat, watched lots of Gilmore Girls, had a pretty dull but nice month :)
Movies - The Shawshank Redemption, The Muppets, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Flubber, Oliver & Company aka movies I've seen too many times before and were just background noise while working on commissions haha. Oh my life ♥
Books - Dragon Ball vol. One by Akira Toriyama was perfect and beautiful and hilarious and I probably would have reaallyyy loved Wet Moon vol. One; Feeble Wanderings by Ross Campbell when I was gothy 15 y/o but is still pretty nice.
Music - Nothing new. Have been back on my Beck craze so that's pretty much all I've been listening to.
TV Shows - GILMORE GIRLS! My favorite show of all time and I have been rewatching to for gazillionthstshkhk time with my bf. It's perfect as always ♥ Nothing much else, it has been a crazy month :)
Previous monthly recaps; September, Oktober
♥ Anne
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