Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dutch Art Collaboration pt. 2

As I have mentioned before, I am painting this sofa for DAC! The thing is pretty huge and when I started, it was HAIRY! It took me 3 to 4 weeks, 9(!!!) pots of textile medium mixed with an equal amount of acrylic paint, a LOT of upper body strength and a VERY hot iron (no need to mention the blisters and aching muscles), but I finally made it into a smooth surface. So I can now start the actual painting of the thing! I can not believe how long it took me to get it this far. Anyway, the progress updates will be a bit more fun to look at from now on, but here are some boring ones!


P.S. I also landed another amazing job! Can't wait to tell you more about it but for now: HURRAY! One day I will do NOTHING but draw animals ALL DAY!
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