Monday, March 12, 2012

First day of spring.

It seems like spring has finally begun I know it isn't technically spring for another week or so but I believe spring is more than just a date. You can smell it in the air! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are growing. And since I have been working very hard the last few weeks and especially the last week, I gave myself the sunday off! It was such a fun day, I dug up the mole I burried last october and took out the bones (Will post about that later! So excited!), I picked, identified and pressed flowers and I sowed some potherbs in our vegetable garden. Every day I realise more and more how I'm not a city girl and will probably never be. I'm not really sure what to do with this information though, as I always planned to live in Amsterdam one day. Guess I'll just enjoy the country life while it lasts!

Brian is pretty darn excited about the weather too! Chasing bugs and flies, laying completely stretched out in the sun cutest thing ever.



  1. Can't wait to read about the mole bones!

    1. I can't wait to show you! I had so much fun doing it.

  2. heerlijk he, de lente. en het platteland <3

    1. Ja! Heerlijk! Ik dacht nooit dat ik zo iemand was wiens humeur af hing van het weer maar schijnbaar toch haha. MMM ZON <3

  3. ohh al die bloemetjes <3 ik moet er ook snel een paar gaan persen! lenteee

  4. Ik wil echt niks weten van de dode mol en het schoonmaken en alles, maar ben wel heel benieuwd naar de (schoongemaakte haha) schedel!

    1. Haha! Het is echt niet zo vies als je denkt hoor :) Ik heb hem laten vergaan in de grond dus de natuur heeft al heel wat schoonmaken voor me gedaan! En jammergenoeg is de schedel een beetje kapot gegaan bij het uitkoken :( super stom.


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