Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Daily Pigtures

My day to day life consists of reading and writing. Doing a Reseach Master (as I do) is simply just that: you choose a subject, do some extensive research and write a paper. In the last couple of months I've written papers on Georges Méliès' films in the Netherlands, the concept of performativity in film studies, New Cinema Studies and the broader humanities, New Materialism and the work of Tinkebell and the cinema as an alternative public sphere. Furthermore, I've started writing a book (which I can't tell you too much about, but it will be published next year) which is obviously taking up much of my time.

While it is very interesting to see how Anne works, it is not very interesting to see me - as I simply read a book and/or write behind my computer. However, I did think it would be nice to kind of show you my everyday life, so that you know about some of the stuff that I'm up to :) So I decided to start a daily photo project! I am very prone to not finishing things, so we will have to see where this project goes. But! I really enjoyed doing it this last week - it turned out the obligation to make a daily picture provided a perfect break from my boring daily writing routine.

So, I hope you enjoy my daily pigtures!

When I was about six years old, I met a girl on the camping site where we were staying that summer. We became friends and when the summer was over we became penpals. We visited each other during holidays, spending a couple of nights together. When we got into puberty we lost contact, but last year I visited her wedding and recently she emailed me her new address. So I decided to write her a letter, just like we used to write each other. And about a week later I received this in my mailbox. I immediately recognized her handwriting, and it made me so happy to read about her life and all the things that she is up to!

My downstairs neighbour refuses to mow his lawn and all kinds of flowers are popping up and I love it. While taking a break from work I sometimes stand on my balcony and enjoy his garden!

My brother is trying to finish his thesis, but he can't really write at home. So he came over to work with me for a day :)

I'm working on a very secret project that involves the Pope..

We had some friends coming over so I decided to buy some wine. Since I don't know anything about wine, I always just pick the nicest bottle. This was of course the obvious winner. It even came with a little cat pendant!

About a week ago I signed Lush's petition against animal testing, and I also signed the window. I went by to buy some henna and it was still there! With my cat as well (L)

I LOVE finding random faces in things. This was the closing system of some sort of writing-case that was lying around in my shared office. I'm not entirely sure whether it is sad, really happy, or just hungry..

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