Friday, March 02, 2012

On a quest for inspiration.

As you know, I am working on a huge sofa for DAC, which has so far been a total pain in the ass. The fabric is sortof ~*hairy*~ like most chairs and sofas from the 1900s. Which I like, ofcourse, but painting on it is not that easy. I have been soaking the fabric in paint and ironing it in to make it a smooth surface but this is A LOT of work and my hands are covered in blisters. Anyway, I will update more on the state and progress later, but the fact of the matter is, it's driving me nuts! So I needed to get out for a bit to get inspired for the actual painting ón the pabric and to simply breathe in some fresh tree-air. The woods it was, nothing inspires me more than nature. I saw so many amazing colors, tiny little bugs, tree-silhouettes like huge veins, crazy structures and beautiful shapes. Plus I am actually charged to keep on smoothing out that fabric so I can start painting! BZZZ!

I tend to take home a lot of nature too...



  1. wauwie mooie fotos <3 Succes met je bank!!

  2. die eerste foto.. prachtig!! ♥

  3. Mooie foto's. Ik hou ook van dingetjes uit de natuur verzamelen :) Succes met de opdracht!

    1. Dankjewel :)) en ja is leuk hè? Ik stop ze meestal in potjes :)


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