Hi there! Me (you might know me as Mimi ;)) and my husband recently went to Berlin, and we visited the Museum für Naturkunde. I thought you guys might like to see some pictures I took there, so I asked Anne if I could do a guest post!
The picture you see above was the main hall. It was a beautiful museum, with some beautiful exhibits. Thanks to The Brain Scoop I now know that what you see in a museum like this is only a very small part of the whole collection. And it was already so impressive! Ànd you were allowed to take pictures all you wanted, which makes it an awesome museum in my book. Often you get so overwhelmed by looking at all these awesome things that it might be hard to comprehend everything. That's why I love to take pictures that I can study later.

A large part of the museum focused on evolution, and this was a model of some kind of huge dragonfly. I loved the wings!

They displayed some bones inside molds of the actual animals, which I thought was an awesome way of showing how the skeleton works inside the body.

Looks like a dragon right?? It's actually a dinosaur skull! Insane!

This was a part were they explained how they do taxidermy. I loved it so much! It was really detailed and well done.

(no worries: the skinned animal is a fake plastic one)

Vintage taxidermy-molds. So cute!

This was their wet collection, containing fishes and other sea creatures. It is built in a cube-shape so that you can only see the animals on the outside shelves up close. This way you can see a part of the collection and get a peek at the many more specimen inside the cube.

We went into the mineralogical exhibition space last, and were already quite overwhelmed by all the impressions we'd had. But the stuff in this hall was so amazing!!

This is silver. I love the way it grows, and thought this looked very Tim Burton-esque.

A little peek behind the scenes: a closed off part of the zoological collection.

This was definitely the highlight of the collection: the Archaeopteryx. The Archeopteryx is the missing link between feathered dinosaurs and our modern birds! It was insane to see it in real life, I almost couldn't believe it. The Berlin specimen is especially important since it is the most complete, and was the first with a complete head. It is truly fascinating to look at. You can see its feathers so beautifully!
♥ Mirjam