Sunday, September 23, 2012

Count Your Blessings #13

My weeks have been fairly boring lately. I love boring so I can't complain but it has been all work and no play and I'm still pretty behind on commissions. I'm sorry if you are waiting on something, I can assure you I am working on full speed and I will get to you soon. This blog is also way too quiet for my liking. All of this is making me feel so very stressed out but I'll get through it and; I still feel plenty blessed.

What made me feel blessed this week:
My job, the smell of gouache, my little glass kabinet I painted pink and lilac (I'm keeping my nature treasures in it, will show you soon!), the apple crumble soy latte at Starbucks (HOLY MOLY), my bff and her AMAZING new tattoo (so jealous), a great thrifting haul, the awesome piranha mount my dad gifted me, sleep, good food, my mom, cats and my work at the animal shelter, sweater weather, Lush make-up, coffee, homemade pizza, a cluttered desk, Columbo, knitting, my nieces and nephew, grilled bellpeppers and this amazing book.

See all my CYB-posts here. More? Visit Anki!

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