Saturday, July 14, 2012

Count Your Blessings #3

What made me feel blessed this week:
Finishing and giving homemade presents to awesome friends, eating from our vegetable garden, the sea, finding a pipefish, bike rides, burying a dead hedgehog and shrew with my awesome niece and nephew who weren't grossed out at all, drawing with my dear friend Menah for DTAJ, but also visiting her new house, laughing at her neighbours and their creepy cats, loads of sleep, finding the most amazing dead alligator while thrifting (and my mom buying it for my birthday ), a day at home in my pj's after a lot of busy days, thrifted clothing and sunshine.

See all my CYB-posts here. More? Visit Anki!



  1. oh die twee blousjes (?) zijn zo schattig! x

    1. Ja lief hè :) super blij mee! De roze was 2,50 en de crème 1,50! Zo heb ik mijn kleding graaggg!

  2. Ooooh de twee bloesjes vind ik echt FANTASTISCH! Denk de volgende keer maar aan mij als je weer zoiets tegenkomt! ;)

  3. Hee 8D ik ben jouw blessing!! + HAHA DIE KAT, ik was even vergeten hoe gaaf hij was! xxxxx

    1. Haha ja dat weet je toch! En ja die kat hè, zo eng dat hij echt is en geen crappy pop xxxxxxx


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