Saturday, June 30, 2012

Count Your Blessings #1

A lot of my favorite blogs join this Count Your Blessings-thing and because I have been in a total everything-sucks rut lately I thought I'd join too. It's a great excuse to focus on the positive in my day-to-day life. Here's what made me feel blessed and happy this week:

Sofie was very ill, which made me very very anxious. I love her so much and I was afraid she would die (too much of my dear animals have died the past years). But everything turned out alright and she is her happy self again!

The beanplants in our garden have the best velvety flowers

This monday morning, I woke up to my mom screaming my name and some weird snorking sound. When I opened my window, I saw my mom wrestling one of these shetland ponies. Turns out these guys escaped from their home and walked for miiiiles untill they came to our house. So cute (and funny) and I wish we could keep them.

Putting together this photoalbum with pictures from two, three and four years ago. So much has changed since then! Most for the better too (but I really miss living with so many awesome people).

I thought my love for Lush could not get any greater and then they introduced this new campain; "Fighting animal testing". I feel like a proud warrior against animal cruelty when walking through Amsterdam with a full bag of their stuff (I bought Jumping Juniper, Jungle, Aqua Marina, Tea Tree Water, Celestial and got Love Lettuce & Figs and Leaves for free)

My mom cut down our Elder trees on a whim, and it is the best! I love the wide view and the pink skies at the end of the day are even more amazing now.

But also; finding pretty fabrics in weird places, celebrating my niece Feline's birthday, visiting our old school and eating wok like the old days with Menah, Mirjam picking up a dead hedgehog for us to bury and dissect, eating from our vegetable garden, getting my last WWIK (which I didn't expect), getting so much views and sweet comments & emails from my blog (thank you all so so much!), waking up to the bââ-ing of the sheep next door, my feather collection which is getting a bit out of hand and Gilmore Girls.

More blessings? Visit Anki!



  1. Geweldig idee! Misschien ga ik me wel mooi eens niet tegen deze trend afzetten. <3 <3

    1. Ja moet je inderdaad niet doen! Het is echt fijn om te doen, voel me meteen een stuk beter :) <3 <3

  2. ah zo leuk om te lezen :) fijn is het he! zo heb je toch ineens best een heel leuk leven en een hoop dingen om dankbaar voor te zijn!

    1. Ja! En normaal ben ik me daar wel bewust van maar de laatste tijd vergeet ik het een beetje, dus dit is perfect <3

  3. Leuk leuk leuk! :D
    Die Shetties zijn echt zo lief! En die bloemen zijn prachtig, hebben wel een beetje weg van orchideeën :D Mooi!

    1. Danku :D Ja mooi he? Zo'n gek idee dat dat straks sperziebonen worden! :D

  4. Aww die foto van Sofie is echt heel lief!

  5. zoveel leuks! fijn dat je hier ook aan mee gaat doen :)
    ik ben ook fan van al die fisheye foto's zo bij elkaar, en de mooie boombloemetjes!


Thank you so much for reading my little blog and taking the time to comment! ♥

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