Anne and I thought it would be nice to share some of our favorite clothes with you now and then! So, this is the outfit that I wore to the Pietje Bell lecture of Tinkebell (only later did I realise it was very suitable, because Tinkebell is always dressed in pink!).
Sweater: bought at the fleamarket on Queensday 2011. It's handknitted and I imagine it was knitted by a grandma for her horse-crazy granddaughter. I love it so much!! The details are very nice too (you can see the pattern of the welt on the detail picture). Don't know how much I paid for it, but probably less than 5 euros.
Skirt: bought on the internet (secondhand), I think I paid 3 euros for it?
Shoes: thrifted Adidas shoes, my favorite pair of shoes <3 (I added the close-up so you can see the glitter in the laces!) I think I paid about 30 euros for them.
Tights and legwarmers (two pairs): I bought the knitted tights and one pair of legwarmers at Action (very cheap!) and I'm also wearing a second pair of legwarmers that I pulled up to above the knees. I love wearing long legwarmers when it's getting colder!
Words & pictures: Mirjam
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