Saturday, December 29, 2012

Count Your Blessings #27

What made me feel blessed this week:
Christmahahahas! I have to admit, I wasn't really feeling christmas this year. I tried to, but I just didn't. Buttt I enjoyed our three trees and the light and candles and the good food and the movies. Oh yes, christmas movies, I wish it could be forever christmas so I could watch Home Alone every day.
On the first day of christmas our family went on a little walk through the woods (where we found these really weird yellowish orange blobs on the trees which later turned out to be mycetozoa, which may be the coolest thing ever since it's neither a fungi or plant nor an animal. It's closest to an amoeba. It actually moves and eats. Can you believe it?!?! So so cool. I'm not sure if the redish purple thing is an mycetozoa too or a fungi, I haven't been able to identify it but it sure is pretty). We also worked on a big jig saw puzzle and ate good vegetarian food and walked through the rain. It was pretty alright. But it had nooothinggg on the second day of christmas where I just sat around in my pj's drinking tea, finishing the puzzle, eating left-overs, reading and watching Home Alone 1 and 2 and A Muppet's Christmas Carol and some kid's science tv show.
The rest of this week has been pretty laid back too. I watched more movies, went thrifting, got new glasses, read, baked, cooked, sketched and well, that's pretty much it! Noooooo complaints! I might even be inspired to do loads of new stuff when this new year starts!

See all my CYB-posts here. More? Visit Anki!



  1. volgend jaar wil ik ook gekleurde lichtjes <3

    1. Hihi dit zijn niet eens gekleurde lichtjes maar de weerspiegeling van de ballen! Gekleurde lichtjes zijn wel heel leuk... Wil ik eigenlijk ook.

  2. Oh wat een heerlijke dagen heb je achter de rug :-) En dat oranje gedoe in de bomen is wel erg bijzonder!


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