Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Shaggy ink cap

I found this big dude at the side of the road leading to our house. It's a pretty common mushroom known as Coprinus comatus, the shaggy ink cap, lawyer's wig, or shaggy mane (I would lie if I said I didn't giggle when I read those names, the dutch name is so dull in comparison - Geschubde inktzwam). And eventhough it is common and I have seen it before, I have néver seen one this huge. It is réálly big! Must be about 40cm/16inch, at least. It popped out of the ground in one day too! So incredibly fascinating. I could have sat there for hours staring at it but some lady came to take pictures of it too and started yapping at me, so I just left (I'm rude/shy like that). But it made me feel all fuzzy inside nonetheless. Total sci-fi material, I wouldn't be surprised if these guys are aliens, spying on us all along.

On a completely different note, my favorite lens broke down so I snapped these pictures with an old crappy kitlens. I hate it (though it could be worse) and I really do need to buy a new one. Blargh! Tips? Anyone?



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